Scaffolding Learning through Language is offered in both a webinar version as well as a 2-day, in-person workshop.
Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance upon completion. This workshop is intended for no more than 50 attendees.
This webinar series provides educators with a fresh look at how to engage multilingual learners in rigorous content area learning with a balance of challenge and support. The purpose of the workshop is to encourage educators to consider classroom practices that move multilingual learning forward and upward together within the context of meaningful experiences where learning is mediated through language. Participants will explore how rigorous, well-sequenced curriculum contributes to rich classroom interactions that mediate learning and move students toward independent success. Topics that educators will explore are a) valuing students’ resources for learning, b) developing a strong community of learners, and c) engaging students in rigorous curriculum.
Any cancellations or rescheduling requests for open-enrollment webinars must be received in writing 48 hours in advance of a scheduled webinar start time for a refund. Any requests that come in less than 48 hours in advance will need to contact us to reschedule to attend another webinar date/time.
In-person Workshop
This two-day workshop provides educators with a fresh look at how to engage multilingual learners in rigorous content area learning with a balance of challenge and support. The purpose of the workshop is to encourage educators to consider classroom practices that move multilingual learning forward and upward together within the content of meaningful experiences where learning is mediated through language. Participants will explore how rigorous, well-sequenced curriculum contributes to rich classroom interactions that mediate learning and move students toward independent success. Topics that educators will explore are a) valuing students’ resources for learning, b) developing a strong community of learners, and c) engaging students in rigorous curriculum.
During this workshop, participants will:
- Connect workshop learning to a shared experience
- Engage in making meaning together through readings, videos, and discussions
- Draw on and build on their own experiences
- Reflect on their classroom practices.
Participants will be able to:
- Develop an understanding of scaffolding practices based on prior knowledge, new learning, and shared experience.
- Build awareness of macro- and micro-scaffolding practices that apprentice students into language use for content area learning.
- Consider how students’ resources can support learning.
- Recognize the importance of establishing a collaborative community of learners that moves forward and upward together.
- Examine ways to engage students in exploring language use for content learning.
- Develop a vision for Scaffolding UP in your context.
This workshop is designed for educators with all levels of experience with the WIDA Standards Framework, including those new to WIDA tools and resources.
Day 1
Morning Session
- Welcome and Opening
- Origami Experience
- Scaffolding UP
Afternoon Session
- Valuing Students’ Resources for Learning
- Developing a Strong Community of Learners
- Learning that Builds Forward
Day 2
Morning Session
- Welcome and Review
- Developing a Strong Community of Learners (cont.)
- Engine of Language Development – Collaborative Reasoning
- Engaging Students in Rigorous Curriculum
- Moving toward Complex Texts
- Joint Deconstruction and Construction of Text
Afternoon Session
- Strategies for Implementation
- Developing a Vision for Scaffolding UP